
  • Sunday, November 20, 2016
    CSP Music Group wants to congratulate producer Steven Franks for recently becoming an RIAA Certified Platinum Producer for his work on Chris Brown’s Drunk Textin’ and Ariana Grande’s recent album Dangerous Woman.  We predict more great things to come and look forward to more in the future.  
  • Wednesday, August 3, 2016

    CSP Music Group is always looking for ways to expand our creative team. We work with producers and songwriters from across the nation; and offer you the chance to get your music placed with artist from across the world and potentially the top of the charts.

    To get started with us, the first step is a consultation. This meeting goes over your goals, aspirations, expectations and answers questions you may have about how to get where you want to be. During the consultation, we will assess your creativity by listening to examples of your work. If your work is not quite up to our standards, we can transition you into our songwriters and producers bootcamp where you will receive training on how to bring your music up to the industry standard that is required to get your songs placed. 

    In order to begin, we strongly suggest filling out our...

  • Monday, May 16, 2016

    Tips to Becoming a Successful Recording Artist


    Be yourself and be as authentic as you can be.  Not to say that you can’t imitate someone else, but trying to imitate celebrities creates a more difficult route because you’re imitating what already exists.  Sometimes, a better option is being influenced by...

  • Sunday, March 13, 2016

    There’s a growing number of artist in the music industry who want to remain independent.  The goal is the become their own boss, make 100% profit on their sales, and be the one in control.   This is where CSP Music Group comes in.  Forming a partnership with artist, CSP allows the artist to remain in full control of their careers while providing the artist with the industry standard look, sound, branding, and connections that they need to stand above the rest.  

    Some independent artist  have made it to the top this way, such as Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, Adele, Taylor Swift,  Mac Miller, and Nipsey Hussle to name a few.  All of these artist remain independent while utilizing independent record labels.

    Because independent artist are now proving that they no longer need to get signed the traditional way, this leaves a lot of artist realizing they can do it without the major labels, and instead seek out a team of people who understand their vision, branding, and dreams...

  • Saturday, February 6, 2016
  • Saturday, February 6, 2016

    In a recent Interview by Carol Ozemhoya with BRE, Mathew Knowles (most notably known as the Father and Manager of Beyoncé Knowles) spoke about the “DNA of Achievers” and what it takes to become successful in such a competitive industry.  Within the article, Knowles decided to give artist ‘A Reality Check’ on what the Music Business is really about.  Here's what he had to say.  

    Knowles says a lot of people, especially in the entertainment business, get a disease he likes to call “Big-itus,” but it applies to many who want to be entrepreneurs and big time bosses as well.  “You have to understand this, “he says.  “ There is no fairy tale in business and no fairy tale in the entertainment industry where it ends ‘happily ever after’.  In order to get to the top, you have to be prepared and have a strategy.  We are conditioned to think in a box, but you have to learn to think outside the box.”
    Knowles adds that it is especially important for parents of aspiring artist to...

  • Sunday, November 22, 2015

    Damita Haddon Chandler has been on the gospel recording scene for over a decade. Although many know her from her Stellar Award winning work with the Voices of Unity and from singing with her former husband, Deitrick Haddon, she is a force to be reckoned with and highly respected in gospel.

    Damita got her break as a professional artist when her and her sister got invited to sing at the president of TM Records’ birthday party.  Immediately after they sang they were asked if interested in signing a deal and recording on his label and within a couple of months they were in the studio. Their first release was Time Is Running Out (1992).  Damita went on to pursue a solo career and released her self-titled debut in 2000 and No Looking Back in 2008. Today Damita Chandler is happily married, working on new singles with Christopher Starr, and released a new reality show called the Gospel Truth starring her and her husband.  

  • Sunday, November 22, 2015

    Stevens beats and his name continue to grow in the industry. Today, he now has credits with Jennifer Lopez, Chris Brown, Lil Wayne, Ariana Grande, and Avant to name a few.

    Steven Franks, from Minneapolis MN, began working with CSP Music Group as a staff producer in 2009. Having already created a name for himself in Minneapolis, Christopher Starr first linked up with Steven by having him submit tracks that independent artist working with CSP Music Group could choose from. The request for his tracks rose steadily as more and more artist became aware of his talents.

    Franks then relocated to Atlanta Georgia where Christopher and Steven were able to connect one on one in the studio. Together they collaborated on many projects and developed a partnership that became mutually beneficial. Their relationship and teamwork expanded while CSP artists continued to purchase licenses for Stevens beats as his name continued to grow in the industry. Today, his compositions are so...

  • Saturday, November 7, 2015

    WATERLOO --- Christopher Starr left his hometown several years ago and made it big as a music producer in Atlanta.

    But the Waterloo West High graduate doesn't assume musical talent isn't coming out of Waterloo.

    And this November --- nothing's been set in stone quite yet --- Starr is returning to prove that.

    "I want to come back there and basically wake up the scene," he said.

    Read more:

  • Friday, August 7, 2015

    CSP Music Group is proud to announce the launching of it's new website which we anticipate to go live by 2016. Our new website will be an interactive and exciting place for artist to showcase their music as well as connect with inside industry professionals. We've had an amazing year in 2015 and we look forward to being able to share that on our new interactive, community based website that will allow artist to network with executives in a Facebook style format. We've worked incredibly hard putting our new website together and we thank you for your patience as we continue to build.


    CSP Music Group is currently growing their newly founded label Mason J Records which is a subsidiary label of CSP Music Group. Mason J Records allows artist to have more creative expression in comparison to artist signed under CSP Music Group which has a more tailored approach in artist development. We are very excited for the new...